Sunday, December 9, 2012

Merry Christmas


  1. So Cute!!! Remember when Rand & Jan spent Christmas with us in GA when they lived in Grapevine, TX. He was 2 or 3. I was so Xcited that their was a child in the house for Christmas! Santa left all of his loot sitting out so cute for him. I couldn't wait for him to get up and see everything! Of course he was a little young to be too excited, but it was fun for us adults! Memories! 'em!

  2. This photo gives new meaning to the song ... "Santa Baby!"

  3. Merry Christmas, Rand, Danielle, and Sweet Wylie! Know you've had a great day! I sent you a picture of Mimi, now 92 years young, in her Christmas outfit. Have a Happy, Healthy New Year! Love ya'll, Mimi and Patsy
