Friday, September 28, 2012

3 Weeks Old

Lil Man is growing up!  Wylie is three weeks old today.  Not only that- he has started to gain back some of the weight he lost since birth.  Since last Friday he has gained 6 oz.  That puts him at 6 lbs 14 oz.  and growing.

Wylie still has a ways to go...he is in the 6 percentile for his age.  He has to catch up to all the babies born at 8 lbs. But he is a hungry guy and I'm sure he will get there.

He also takes after his mom and is a great sleeper. He especially likes to snuggle...even if it's with the dogs.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Sweet Lil Man

Funny Faces

The Many Faces of Wylie!  This little man makes us laugh everyday...he makes the funniest faces.  Here are two from yesterday.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Naked Baby

Wylie is doing well.  He is getting really good at spitting up and blowing out his diaper!  He has even poo'd on his dad's arm twice.  ;-)   So we have given up on dressing him most days and he hangs out in his diaper.  Naked Baby!!

He lost about 4 ounces since birth so we are working on getting him back up to birthweight (right now he is 6lbs 8 ounces).  We have another weigh in with the doctor on Thursday.

Wylie went on a couple of adventures this weekend.  We went on a hike and Wylie slept in a baby sling the whole way.  He also went downtown to the Art loop.

I'm really going to work on taking more pics and updating the blog!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hello All-

Welcome to Wylie's Blog.  Everyday is a new adventure with Wylie and I'd love to share this adventure with family and friends.  I'll do my best to update the blog with pictures and short stories on a regular basis. 

Lil' Wylie has so much character alreay, I can't wait to see what the future will bring!

Wylie's Stats
Born- September 7th, 2012 in Durango, CO. 
Full Name- William Chandler Myrick 
Weight- 6 lbs 12 ounces
Length- 19 1/2 inches

Wylie's First Week-
was spent in the NICU at the hospital.  He had a bit of a rough start to life.  He had trouble breathing and signs of an infection.  Over the week he was on oxygen, antiboitics and fluids.  As the days went by he got stronger and healthy and eventually got a clean bill of health and was sent home with his family.

Welcome Home Wylie
Wylie has been home for 4 days now- Rand and I couldn't be happier.  Overall, he is a pretty mellow man-  Not much of a screamer (unless he gets hungry!).  At this point his days are filled with sleeping, eating, pooping and hanging out with his parents and making them laugh.  He loves to be held and lay on his parents chest and sleep.  Joy!

Stay tuned for more updates!!